Saturday, April 25, 2009

Who wants chicken?

I have been bringing up the subject of raising chickens for eggs to Jared for the last couple months. Now that we live in the country, we have room for them. I was met with some resistance. So when our Pecot parents were here visiting a couple weeks ago, I seized the opportunity to bring it up again. They loved the idea and we decided to go get the chicks that weekend. Sorry Jared, you didn't have a chance. Justin decided to split the cost with us for half of the eggs so we got six chicks. We have a Rhode Island Red, California White, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Gold Sexlink, and a Black Sexlink. Hopefully all females! Here is their first day home.

We set up a brooder in the garage. Here they are at two weeks old.

Three weeks old.

Currently, at four weeks old.

Jared and Justin have been working hard on the coop. The front has bigger doors that open for cleaning. The backside has the laying area with the roof opening to get the eggs.

Jared telling Justin what to do. You can see the roosting poles.

This weekend we will be moving it outside to put the roof on and paint it. We will then be able to make a fenced in yard to protect them from wild animals. The chicks are ready to spread their wings and run around outside.

Monday, April 20, 2009

10 Reasons to Date a Nurse

1. They can help you get over a hangover or cold.
2. Bedbaths
3. The uniform
4. They are exposed to so many x-rays, there is no need for birth control.
5. You will never need to buy condoms, acetaminophen, toothbrushes, or any hospital supplies.
6. They know how to handle bodily fluids.
7. Nothing shocks a nurse; they have always seen smaller or indeed bigger.
8. They won't be disgusted by your toilet habits.
9. They can tell when you are full of crap and they can remedy that.
10. They know their way around the human body.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring at our house

Spring is here! The almond trees that surround our house have all bloomed.

So are the roses...

and the wisteria.

The view from our kitchen window one morning of a deer. They like to sleep in our backyard under the almond trees.

Hiro's big catch: a lizard. He also catches kangaroo mice and runs them inside. Then he lets them go and we are running around trying to catch mice and lizards. He gets quite irritated when we throw them back outside.