Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Apricot Tree

So we apparently have an apricot tree. I got home one day and noticed some on the ground and the birds going crazy.

The tree is directly off the deck and grows over the roof. My friend Lindsay and I took turns climbing the ladder to pick the fruit.

The fruit tasted great but was very small. I think I will prune the tree back this winter and hopefully that will increase the number and size of the apricots next year. This basket was all we got from the tree.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Lovely Start to Summer

It's raining! What a magical sound to hear in June. Surely the plants outside are happy, especially the weeds. As you can see I have some weeding to do. I have figured out the specific weed we have in the veggie garden are easier to pull out when bigger. I have been waiting to go out there and now it is raining. Darn. Guess I will have to put it off a little longer:) Too bad school is over. If I had a test to study for the garden would be free of all weeds and my house would be spotless.
The corn and green beans are growing fast. Jared keeps asking me if the corn will be knee high by the 4th of July. Everything seems to be growing except for the pumpkins which never sprouted.

These are my new gardening/ chicken feeding shoes. Crocs for $15 at Costco. What a deal! Now I won't have chicken poop and foxtails in my shoes anymore.

I started an herb garden on the side of the house. I planted everything in pots so that if the deer eat anything I can move them onto the porch. There is no fence around this garden so I am a little worried. Jared caught a mom deer and baby eating my poor little sunflowers a couple days ago. See below:

The herb garden has Italian parsley, parsley, mint, cilantro, thyme, roesmary, and some jalapeno and basil plants left over from the garden. I'm trying to grow potatoes that our friends brought back from Italy in the wine barrels. They are high protein potatoes originally from Africa. They haven't sprouted yet. The sunflowers are growing behind the wine barrels.

The chickens are getting more chicken like and less like little alien birds. They are very curious and come to check me out everytime I feed them. They also like to check out the deer and Hiro the cat. They love to eat any type of melon. So far I have named three of them but I still don't know if any are roosters. The white is Hollywood, the tan is Buff, and the dk brown is Big Red.
Hiro's new favorite place is sitting in front of the chicken yard. He likes to stare at the chickens through the fencing. Then they run over to him flapping their wings and he gets scared and runs away. It's pretty funny to watch.