Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cerro Alto Hike

Back in January, we decided to hike Cerro Alto, a mountain halfway between Morro Bay and Atascadero. We had no idea what we were in for.

The trail is very beautiful with wildflowers, green foliage, and waterfalls.

Luckily a good portion of the trail was shaded.

It was about 3 miles straight up all the way to the top but the view made us forget how difficult it was. You could see in all directions. You could see San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay (and the rock), and Atascadero.

We had a picnic at the top with some wine, crackers, cheese, smoked oysters, sardines, and raisinettes for desert.

Proof that I actually made it to the top.

I had trouble walking for the whole next week but the view at the top sure was beautiful.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 1, 2010

For many years I have heard about the crazy people who get up New Year's Day and go running into the freezing ocean. I have never gone before until this year. Our friends Shaw and Heidi were going with her family and Jared decided he wanted to do it too. I had a head cold and could not participate (fine by me). There were hundreds of people there. I think most of them were spectators not participants. They were lined up all along the pier and all over the beach.

Jared wore his warmest pants, slippers, and bathrobe. It took him a long time to remove his clothing. He started with one sock at a time.

I enjoyed watching with my coffee.

Once it started, it was over. You had to go all the way in, getting your head wet. I have never seen people go in to the water, dunk, and come out so fast. I have also never heard so many people screaming at one time. As soon as they said go, each person screamed as they hit the water. It lasted about 5 minutes. All the dogs on the beach were barking like crazy. Here is Shaw coming out of the water.

Shaw and Heidi trying to keep warm after going in the water. They love each other...

... so do they!
The End
(complete with certificate)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Engagement night pics

On August 18, 2009 Jared and I became "officially" engaged. I say officially because we already planned on getting married when I was done with school. Here is a picture of my ring.

That night we went out to dinner for my friend Gina's birthday at AJ Spurs.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hot Chillys Photo Shoot

Jared was recently a model for the clothing line Hot Chillys. Our friend Kaelyn is the graphic designer/ photographer for the clothing line. She needed some models for the upcoming catalog. Our friend Honda was also in the photo shoot. It was done at our house on a very hot day. Even hotter when you are wearing black long underwear. Jared liked his fake mustache.

Our chickens got in on the modeling as well.

The theme was mexican if you can't tell already.

This was the final picture that made it into the catalog. Kaelyn photo shopped our garage door out and put in this backdrop. It will be the cover page for the section of Hot Chillys in the catalog. Turned out pretty well.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Our Trip to Oregon

We went to visit our Pecot parents up in Selma, OR at the end of July. It was fun to be there in the summer. We usually go for Thanksgiving and it is much colder then. We brought our friends Mike and Lauren up with us. They had always wanted to go to Oregon. Mike and Lynne have a large creek (below) that runs through their property. Since the temperature was over 100 degrees during our visit we spent a lot of time in the water.

Lauren, Mike, Lynne, and Mike (their dogs are Tundra and Roxy)

This is the deepest spot in the creek. Jared thought it was a little cold. Mike obviously did not.

We made strawberry jam one morning.

We also killed and butchered 3 roosters and then ate them for dinner that night. Below is a picture of the chopping of the head by Mike.

Jared helped his mom and dad with the plucking.

And once done, it actually looks like a chicken you would buy in the store.

One of our day trips was to the neighboring town of Cave Junction. We turned down a street called Tikilma ( a big hippie area) and drove until we reached a very cool hotel/ lodge of tree houses. That's right, every room is a tree house. We all decided we need to go back and stay the night. They had horse back riding, zip lines, and swimming.

This is a map of the place. When you stay there, they put your name in the box by the tree you are staying in.

Lauren and I with a wood carving at the tree house place.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My coffee cup this morning


does not consist in gazing at each other

but in looking together in the same direction.

-Antoine de Saint Eaupary